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98. Antoine Le Borgne, Xavier Marjou, Fanny Parzysz, Tayeb Lemlouma, Estimating the Benefits of a Multi-Operator Approach to Enhance Cellular Connectivity of Drones , In the proceedings of the The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC'24), Washington DC, DC, USA, 22-25 October 2024. web web
97. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 12th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'24)
20th IEEE WiMob 2024 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Paris, France - October 21, 2024.
Content in PDF
96. Tayeb Lemlouma, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Sébastien Laborie, Abderrezak Rachedi, Editorial - Special Issue on e-Health Systems and Technologies, Journal of Sensors (Impact Factor: 3.4), October 2024, A special issue of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). web web

95. Antoine Le Borgne, Xavier Marjou, Fanny Parzysz, Tayeb Lemlouma, Comparing a Composite Model Versus Chained Models to Locate a Nearest Visual Object , In the proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), rank C, Taichung, Taiwan, 6-8 December 2023. web web
94. Tayeb Lemlouma, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Sébastien Laborie, Abderrezak Rachedi, Editorial - Special Issue on Selected Papers from e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services 2022, Journal of Computers, MDPI, 12 (2-3), pp.52. January 2023, A special issue of Computers (ISSN 2073-431X). web web
93. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 11th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'23)
19th IEEE WiMob 2023 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Montreal, Canada - June 21, 2023.
Content in PDF

92. Tangui Le Gléau, Xavier Marjou, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Benoit Radier, Towards circular and asymmetric cooperation in a multi-player Graph-based Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma , In the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), rank B, , Online Streaming, 3-5 February 2022. web
91. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 10th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'22)
18th IEEE WiMob 2022 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Thessaloniki, Greece - October 10, 2022.
Content in PDF

90. Hiba Mehri, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Nicolas Montavont, A Hierarchical Multi-label Classification of Multi-Resident Activities, In the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL ranked conf.) , Manchester, UK, 25-27 November 2021. web
89. Tangui Le Gléau, Xavier Marjou, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Benoit Radier, A Multi-agent OpenAI Gym Environment for Telecom Providers Cooperation, In the proceedings of the 24th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2021) , Paris, France, March 2021. web
88. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 9th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'21)
17th IEEE WiMob 2021 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, October 11, 2021 - Virtual (COVID-19).
Content in PDF

87. Tayeb Lemlouma, Adaptive Sensing Algorithm for IoT Applications with Data and Temporal Accuracy Requirements, In IEEE proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2020), Rank B, Rennes, France, July 2020. web web web
86. Tangui Le Gléau, Xavier Marjou, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Benoit Radier, Game Theory Approach in Multi-agent Resources Sharing, In IEEE proceedings of the 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2020), Rank B, Rennes, France, July 2020. web web web
85. Tangui Le Gléau, Xavier Marjou, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Benoit Radier, Multi-agents Ultimatum Game with Reinforcement Learning, In: De La Prieta F. et al. (eds) Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Trust-worthiness. The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1233, pp 267-278. Springer, Cham. ISBN : 978-3-030-51999-5 DOI :, July 2020. web web
84. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, and Hassani Messaoud, An Intelligent Knowledge System for Designing, Modeling, and Recognizing the Behavior of Elderly People in Smart Space, Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, April, 2020. ISSN:, DOI:, Impact Factor: 7.104. web web
83. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 8th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'20)
16th IEEE WiMob 2020 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, October 12, 2020 - Thessaloniki, Greece. 2020.
Content in PDF

82. Allal Tiberkak, Abdelfetah Hentout, Abdelkader Belkhir, Tayeb Lemlouma, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Set Theory-based FSM for Managing Home Emergencies Concept, Properties and Process Algebra,, In IEEE proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS- 2018), Tebessa, Algeria, October 2018. web
81. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Antonio Santos, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Editorial - Special Issue on Selected Papers from e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services 2017, Journal of Information, MDPI, 10 (2), pp.52. February 2019, ISSN 2078-2489, DOI: 10.3390/info10020052. web web
80. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 7th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'19)
15th IEEE WiMob 2019 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, October 21, 2019 - Barcelona, Spain. 2019.
Content in PDF

79. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, and Hassani Messaoud, An Improved Extreme Learning Machine Model for the Prediction of Human Scenarios in Smart Homes , Springer Journal of Applied Intelligence, pp 2017–2030, August, 2018. ISSN:1573-7497, DOI:10.1007/s10489-017-1062-5, Impact Factor: 2.882. web web
78. Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Maria Moloney, and Damien Magoni, A Survey on Health Monitoring Systems for Smart Health Homes, Elsevier Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, pp 26-56, Volume 66, July 2018, Impact Factor: 2.656. web web
77. Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, and Damien Magoni, Adaptive Monitoring System for e-Health Smart Homes , Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, November, 43:1–19, 2018. ISSN:1574-1192, DOI:10.1016/j.pmcj.2017.11.001, Impact Factor: 3.453. web web
76. Nejm Eddine Frigui, Tayeb Lemlouma, Stéphane Gosselin, Benoit Radier, Renaud Le Meur, and Jean-Marie Bonnin Optimization of the Upstream Bandwidth Allocation in Passive Optical Networks Using Internet Users' Behavior Forecast, In 22nd International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2018), Dublin, Ireland, 14-17 May, 2018. web
75. Allal Tiberkak, Tayeb Lemlouma, Abdelkader Belkhir, Ahmed Bouabdallah, and Abdelfetah Hentout, A Novel Approach for Generic Home Emergency Management and Remote Monitoring , Wiley Journal of Software-Practice & Experience, pp 761-774, Volume 48, Issue 4, April, 2018. DOI:10.1002/spe.2553, Impact Factor: 1.609. web web
74. Nejm Eddine Frigui, Tayeb Lemlouma, Stéphane Gosselin, Benoit Radier, Renaud Le Meur, and Jean-Marie Bonnin Dynamic Reallocation of SLA Parameters in Passive Optical Network Based on Clustering Analysis , In 21st Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN- 2018), Paris, France, 20-22 February, 2018. web
73. Allal Tiberkak, Abdelfetah Hentout, Abdelkader Belkhir, Tayeb Lemlouma, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Set Theory-based FSM for Managing Home Emergencies Concept, Properties and Process Algebra, In IEEE proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS- 2018), Tebessa, Algeria, October 2018. web
72. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Yevgeniya Kovalchuk, Directions of work or proceedings - 6th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'18)
14th IEEE WiMob 2018 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Oct 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. 2018.
Content in PDF

71. Saad EL JAOUHARI, Ahmed BOUABDALLAH, Jean-Marie BONNIN, Tayeb Lemlouma, Toward a Smart Health-Care Architecture Using WebRTC and WoT, Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 571. Springer, march 2017. pp. 531-540, ISBN: 978-3-319-56540-8 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56541-5_54 web
70. Saad EL JAOUHARI, Ahmed BOUABDALLAH, Jean-Marie BONNIN, Tayeb Lemlouma, Securing the Communications in a WoT/WebRTC-based Smart Healthcare Architecture, Second International Workshop onMobile Technology for Healthcare. MT4H2017. 11th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST- 2017), Exeter, England, UK, 21-23 June 2017. web
69. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Antonio Santos, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Directions of work or proceedings - 5th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'17)
13th IEEE WiMob 2017 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Oct 2017, Rome, Italy. 2017.
Content in PDF

68. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, Hassani Messaoud, A Genetic–based Localization Algorithm for Elderly People in Smart Cities, 14th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac'16), November 2016, Malta. Proceedings of the 14th ACM MobiWac 2016, Malta, 13-17 November, 2016. pp. 83-89, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4503-3- doi: 10.1145/2989250.2989269 -- (Rank : CORE A) web
67. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, Hassani Messaoud, An Improved Elman Neural Network for Daily Living Activities Recognition, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, December 2016, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings of the 16th ISDA'16, Porto, Portugal, 14-16 December, 2016. Volume 557 of the Springer book series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), pp. 697-707, Springer ISBN: 978-3-319-53479-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53480-0_69. web
66. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, Hassani Messaoud, A Genetic Neural Network Approach for Unusual Behavior Prediction in Smart Home, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, December 2016, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings of the 16th ISDA'16, Porto, Portugal, 14-16 December, 2016. Volume 557 of the Springer book series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), pp 738-748, Springer ISBN: 978-3-319-53479-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53480-0_73. web
65. Tayeb Lemlouma, Home Media Access with Heterogeneous Devices, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN), Special Issue on Social Media and Networks for Multimedia Content Management, pp. 1-16, vol 7. issue 3, 2015, doi: 10.4018/IJVCSN.2015070101 web
64. Zaineb Liouane, Tayeb Lemlouma, Philippe Roose, Fréderic Weis, Hassani Messaoud, A Markovian-based Approach for Daily Living Activities Recognition , the International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS'16), February 2016, Rome, Italy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS2016), Rome, Italy,19-21 February, 2016. web
63. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Antonio Santos, Directions of work or proceedings - 4th IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'16)
12th IEEE WiMob 2016 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Oct 2016, New York, USA. 2016.
Content in PDF
62. Rim Jouini, Tayeb Lemlouma, Karima Maalaoui, Leila Azzouz Saidan, Employing Grey Model forecasting GM(1,1) to historical medical sensor data towards system preventive in smart home e-health for elderly person , the 12th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2016, Septembre 2016, Paphos, Chypre. Proceedings of the 12th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2016), Paphos, Chypre, Septembre 5-9, 2016 -- (Rank : CORE B) web

61. Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni, Context-Aware Adaptive Framework for e-Health Monitoring, the 11th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2015 merged with the IEEE DSDIS2015), Dec 2015, Sydney, Australia. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Global Communications Conference (merged with the IEEE DSDIS2015), Sydney, Australi,11-13 December, 2015 web
60. Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni, A Predictive Approach for Efficient e-Health Monitoring, the 17th IEEE Healthcom : e-Health Networking, Application & Services Conference, Oct 2015, Oct 2015, Boston, United States. 2015, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE e-Health Networking, Application & Services Conference, Oct 2015 web
59. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Antonio Santos, Directions of work or proceedings - 3rd IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'15)
11th IEEE WiMob 2015 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Oct 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 2015.
Content in PDF

58. Tayeb Lemlouma, Sébastien Laborie, Philippe Roose, Abderrezak Rachedi, Kenza Abdelaziz, mHealth Contents and Services Delivery and Adaptation Challenges for Smart Environments, Book Chapter, Chapter 17, pp. 295-314, Book : mHealth Multidisciplinary Verticals (752 pp.), ISBN 9781482214802, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), November 2014 web
57. Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni, Analysis of Dependency Evaluation Models for eHealth Services, GLOBECOM'14 - IEEE Global Communications Conference, 7 pp., December 8-12, 2014, Austin, TX, USA. -- (Rank : CORE B) webAbstract in
56. Allal Tiberkak, Tayeb Lemlouma, Abdelkader Belkhir: Relative-Identity Management Based on Context, HCI'14 - Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, pp. 322-327, June 22-27, 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. web
55. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Antonio Santos, Directions of work or proceedings - 2nd IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop (eHPWAS'14)
10th IEEE WiMob 2014 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Oct 2014, Larnaca, Cyprus. IEEE, 2014.
Content in PDF

54. Joël Penhoat, Karine Guillouard, Nathalie Omnès, Jianshu Zhang, Tayeb Lemlouma, Mikaël Salaun, Proposal of a Hierarchical and Distributed Method for Selecting a Radio Network and a Transmission Mode, International Journal on Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), volume 5, issue 4., October 2013, pp. 49-81, doi= web
53. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Santos António, Philippe Roose, e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop, IEEE Press, pp. 43, Oct. 2013, 978-1-4577-2014-7 web
52. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi and Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, A New Model for NGN Pervasive e-Health Services, International Symposium on Future Information and Communication Technologies for Ubiquitous HealthCare (Ubi-HealthTech’13), 1-3 July, Jinhua, China. web
Tayeb Lemlouma, UNIVERSALLY: A Context-Aware Architecture for Multimedia Access in Digital Homes, (revised and selected version), Advanced Infocomm Technology, Springer LNCS, Volume 7593, 2013, pp. 128-137, ISBN: 978-3-642-38227-7 (Online), 978-3-642-38226-0 (Print)
50. Tayeb Lemlouma, Sébastien Laborie and Philippe Roose, Toward a Context-Aware and Automatic Evaluation of Elderly Dependency in Smart Homes and Cities, International Workshop on Smart City and Ubiquitous Computing Applications (SCUCA'13) in conjunction with the Fourteenth IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'13), Madrid, Spain, 4-7 June, 2013. web pdf
49. Tayeb Lemlouma and Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, Smart Media Services Through TV Sets for Elderly and Dependent Persons, (revised and selected version), Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Springer LNICST, Vol. 61 (revised and selected paper from papers of MobiHealth'12, APHS'12 and IWAWPLC'12), pp. 30-40, ISBN 978-3-642-37892-8, July 12, 2013. web
48. Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, Francine Krief, Nader Mbarek and Tayeb Lemlouma, Improvement of a Service Level Negotiation Protocol using Formal Verification, 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'13), Split, Croatia, July 7-10, 2013. web
47. Selim Ellouze, Bertrand Mathieu and Tayeb Lemlouma, A Bidirectional Network Collaboration Interface for CDNs and Clouds Services Traffic Optimization, 48th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'13), Budapest, Hungary, 9–13 June, 2013. [supported by the ENVISION EU FP7 project] web
46. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abderrezak Rachedi, Sébastien Laborie, Santos António, Philippe Roose, Directions of work or proceedings - 1st IEEE e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services Workshop
9th IEEE WiMob 2013 : Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, France. IEEE Press, pp.43, 2013, 978-1-4577-2014-7
Content in PDF

45. Tayeb Lemlouma and Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, Smart Media Services Through TV Sets for Elderly and Dependent Persons, Springer-IEEE/EMB International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MOBIHEALTH'12), Paris, France, November 21–23, 2012. pdf web
44. Selim Ellouze, Bertrand Mathieu and Tayeb Lemlouma, A Proposal for Improving Network-Aided CDN Server Selection, International Conference CFIP/NOTERE 2012, Anglet, France, 29-31 October, 2012. web
43. Tayeb Lemlouma, UNIVERSALLY: A Context-Aware Architecture for Multimedia Access in Digital Homes, Springer/ICAIT, 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT'12), Paris, France, July 25th-27th 2012. web
42. Tayeb Lemlouma and Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, Toward a Context-aware Architecture for the Access and Use of Media Resources in Digital Homes ("Vers une Architecture Sensible au Contexte pour l'Accès et l'Utilisation des Ressources Médias dans les Maisons Numériques"), 8th Ubimob'12, Anglet, France, 4-6 June, 2012. websee the video
41. Tayeb Lemlouma, Improving the User Experience by Web Technologies for Complex Multimedia Services, Proc. 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST'12), pp. 444-451, Porto, Portugal, 18-21 April, 2012. web
40. Mohamed A. Chalouf and Tayeb Lemlouma, Offre de Services Personnalisés dans la Maison Intelligente pour la Surveillance de la Santé, Congrès National de la Recherche en IUT, 6-8 juin, Tours, France, 2012. web

39. Joël Penhoat, Karine Guillouard, Servane Bonjour and Tayeb Lemlouma, Definition of a Context-aware Broadcasting Method. WPMC'11, The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, October 3-7, 2011 - Brest, France. pdf
38. Joël Penhoat, Karine Guillouard, Tayeb Lemlouma and Mikaël Salaun, Analysis of the Implementation of Utility Functions to Define an Optimal Partition of a Multicast Group. ICN 2011, the Tenth International Conference on Networks, January 23-28, 2011 - St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles. Acceptance rate: 31% pdfpdf

37. Tayeb Lemlouma, Julien Luciana, Bastien Oza, Leandro Sierra, and Mikaël Salun, An Easy Cellular Gateway for Providing Shared Services and Data. ICSNC 2010, the Fifth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, August 22-27, 2010 - Nice, France. Acceptance rate: 28% Paper Content in PDF
Presentation Content in PDF
36. Tayeb Lemlouma, Architecture de Négociation et d'Adaptation de Services Multimédia - Accès aux services multimédias n'importe où, n'importe quand et n'importe comment. Editions Universitaires Européennes - ISBN 978-613-1-51695-5, 248 pages, july 2010. web
35. Maxime Drouet, Mikaël Salaun and Tayeb Lemlouma, Pollen: Dynamic and Autonomous Management of Virtual Machines in the Network (Pollen ou la gestion dynamique et autonome de machines virtuelles dans le réseau), GRES 2010, Networks Management and Services - 9ième Colloque sur la Gestion de Réseau et de Services, 12-14 October, 2010, Montreal (QC), Canada. Paper Content in PDF
34. Presentation for The 16th French national conference of research in "IUT" (CNRIUT'10), 9-11 June, Angers, France, 2010. Authors : Thierry PEYRE, Tayeb LEMLOUMA, Gilles GUETTE et Mikaël SALAUN. (poster) Abstract in PDF
33. Présentation au CETSIS 2010, 8ème Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, 8-10 mars 2010, Grenoble, France. Auteurs (par ordre alphabétique) : B. Grimal, G. Guette, E. Kerhervé, S. Lecharpentier, V. Le Palmec, T. Lemlouma (poster, paper) Abstract in
Abstract in PDF

32. Maxime Drouet, Mikaël Salaün, Tayeb Lemlouma, POLLEN: A Platform for Distributed Services in Heterogeneous Environment, ICAS 2009 Paper
                  Content in PDF
31. J. Penhoat, O. Le Grand, M. Salaun, T. Lemlouma, Definition and analysis of a Fixed Mobile Convergent Architecture for Enterprise VoIP Services, International Journal on Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), Pages: 40-56, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2009. DOI: 10.4018/jmcmc.2009070104 web
30. Tayeb Lemlouma, Editorial Board, MASAUM Journal of Computing (MJC), ISSN 2076-0833, Volume (1), Issues (1, 2 and 3), August, September and October 2009 web
29. T. Lemlouma, G. Guette, "Agile : une Approche Autonome pour les Architectures de Télécommunication", CNRIUT'09, 15ème Colloque National de la Recherche en IUT , Lille, France, 8, 9 et 10 juin 2009. (abstract, poster) Abstract in PDF
Poster in PDF

28. Maxime Drouet, Mikaël Salaün, Tayeb Lemlouma, POLLEN: A Virtual and Autonomic Architecture, 4th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on End-to-end Virtualization and Grid Management (EVGM 2008), September 22-26 2008, Samos Island, Greece Paper Content in
27. Maxime Drouet, Mikaël Salaün, Benoit Radier, Tayeb Lemlouma, Un réseau virtuel : POLLEN" (Pollen, Pulishers on information highways), presented by B. Radier and M. Drouet, 7th Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SAR2008), Loctudy, France. web

26. Tayeb Lemlouma, , Yoann Lefebvre, Frédéric Cespedes, PCNM: A New Platform for Cellular Networks Measurements and Optimization, 21-23 September 2007, WiCOM 2007, the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Shanghai, China. Content in PDF

25. Tayeb Lemlouma, Rachid Elazouzi, Images Processing and Analysis for Mobile Terminals, Sixth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, June 29 - July 5, 2006.
Content in PDF

24. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Content Interaction and Formatting for Mobile Devices, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, DocEng 2005, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2-4 November 2005. Content in PDF
23. Nabil Layaïda, Tayeb Lemlouma, Vincent Quint, NAC : une architecture pour l'adaptation multimédia sur le Web, Technique et Science Informatiques, RSTI-TSI - 24/2005, num. 7, pp. 789-813, 2005. Content in PDF

22. Tayeb Lemlouma, Multimedia Content Representation and adaptation for the mobile devices: a survey of SMIL/MMS/PSS technologies for 3GPP/3GPP2, as invited speaker, MIPS 2004 (Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems), November 2004, Grenoble, France. Content in PDF
21. Nabil Layaïda, Tayeb Lemlouma, Vincent Quint, Adaptation and mobile multimedia on the Web [in French], Mcube 2004, first national conference on mobile multimedia, Montbéliard, France, 30-31 March 2004. web Content in PDF
20. Contributor author of "Authoring Techniques for Device Independence", W3C Note 18 February 2004 web
19. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Context-Aware Adaptation for Mobile Devices, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Berkeley, California, USA, January 19-22, 2004. Content in PDF
18. Tayeb Lemlouma, "6th DIWG F2F and W3C Technical Plenary Meeting", 1-5 March 2004 Cannes-Mandelieu, France. INRIA DirDRI News bulletin 01 April 2004. INRIA Intranet

17. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Encoding Multimedia Presentation for User Preferences and Limited Environments, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Jully 6-9 2003. pp. 165-168. Content in PDF
16. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Media Resources Adaptation for Limited Devices, ICCC/IFIP Seventh International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Guimaraes, Portugal, 25-28 June 2003. pp. 209-218. Content in PDF
15. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Adapted Content Delivery for Different Contexts, SAINT 2003 Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 27-31, 2003. IEEE Computer Society publication. pp. 190-197.
Content in PDF
14. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, SMIL Content Adaptation for Embedded Devices, SMIL Europe 2003, Paris, February 12-14, 2003. Content in PDF
13. Nabil Layaïda, Tayeb Lemlouma, "NAC: An Architecture for Multimedia Content Adaptation for Mobile Devices", ERCIM (The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), ERCIM News No. 54, July 2003. Content in PDF
12. Tayeb Lemlouma, "Technical Plenary and W3C WG Meeting Event", 3 - 7 Mars 2003 Cambridge, MA USA. INRIA DirDRI News bulletin 15 July 2003. INRIA Intranet
11. Tayeb Lemlouma, "5th F2F Meeting of DI WG of the W3C", 16-18 Septembre 2003 Guildford, UK. INRIA DirDRI News bulletin 25 October 2003. INRIA Intranet

10. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Universal Profiling for Content Negotiation and Adaptation in Heterogeneous Environments, W3C Workshop on Delivery Context, 4-5 March 2002, W3C/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France. Content in PDF
9. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, Content Adaptation and Generation Principles for Heterogeneous Clients, W3C Workshop on Device Independent Authoring Techniques, 25-26 September 2002, SAP University, St. Leon-Rot, Germany Content in PDF
8. M. Pinheiro, J,. Lima, N. Edelweiss, Nabil Layaïda, Tayeb Lemlouma, An Open E-Learning Authoring Environment, Spezielles Seminar im WS 2002/2003 - E-Learning. Content in PDF
7. José Valdeni de Lima, Nina Edelweiss, Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro,Vincent Quint, Nabil Layaïda, Tayeb Lemlouma, "A Cooperative Environment for Editing Documents with Workflow Technology", 10th June 2002. CEMT project Content in PDF
6. N. Badache,.., Tayeb Lemlouma, Les Protocoles de routage dans les réseaux mobiles Ad Hoc, RIST: Revue d'Informatique Scientifique et Technique, Vol. 12 No 02, CERIST, pp. 77-112, 2002.  
5. Tayeb Lemlouma, Une étude d'approches heuristiques pour l'ordonnancement des jobs dans le 'flowshop', RIST: Revue d'Informatique Scientifique et Technique, Vol. 11 No 02, CERIST, 2002. pp. 69-82. (DOC, HTML) Content in PDF

4. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, The Negotiation of Multimedia Content Services in Heterogeneous Environments, In the MMM 2001: the 8th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5-7 November 2001. pp. 187-206. (abstract, PS, BibTeX entry) Content in PDF
3. Tayeb Lemlouma, Programmation fonctionnelle : Le glaneur des cellules centralisé et sa généralisation dans les environnements répartis, RIST: Revue d'Informatique Scientifique et Technique, Vol. 11 No 01, CERIST, 2001. pp. 133-155 (HTML) Content in PDF

2. Tayeb Lemlouma, Abdelmadjid Boudina, Programmation logique avec contraintes (CLP) : Etude et application au puzzle `Send plus More equal Money`, RIST: Revue d'Informatique Scientifique et Technique, Vol. 10 No 1-2, CERIST, 2000. pp. 63-85 (abstract, BibTeX entry) Content in PDF
1. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nadjib Badache, "Non-Atomic Commitment Problem : A comparative study between the 2PC and a new protocol based on the consensus paradigm", RIST Journal : Revue d'information scientifique et technique, Septembre 2000, Ed. Cerist. (HTML) Content in PDF

Miscellaneous publications

 Research Reports
14. Youcef DjoudiImplémentation d’un Algorithme de Découverte de Services Web dans le Contexte des Réseaux Sociaux, Master Manuscript (in French), June 2018. Content in PDF
13. Tayeb LemloumaNombre d'Or (Golden Ratio), Mégadonnées (Big Data) et Grands Nombres, popularization note (french), February, 2015. Content in PDF
12. Joel Penhoat, Selim Ellouze, Jean-François Jestin, Tayeb Lemlouma, Signaling for context-aware adaptive multimedia services, research report. 2010.  
11. Tayeb Lemlouma, Maxime Drouet, Mikaël Salaün, "Pollen and Pervasive Services Access in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment", research report. 2009.  
10. Benoit Radier, Mikaël Salaün, Tayeb Lemlouma, Toward an Autonomic Mobility Management in Heterogeneous Networks, research report. 2009.  
9. Tayeb Lemlouma,"Système d'Adaptation et d'Interaction pour les Utilisateurs Mobiles - Description Technique", July 2005. Content in PDF
8. Tayeb Lemlouma,"L'adaptation et la négociation dans une architecture de composants JSF", October 2004. Content in PDF
7. Tayeb Lemlouma,"SVG Tiny (SVGT) et XHTML basic : langages pour des composants JSF mobiles", October 2004. Content in PDF
6. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "Device Independent Principles for Adapted Content Delivery" (PS) Content in PDF
5. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "Basic Ideas for User Constraints Specification in CC/PP" (PS) Content in PDF
4. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "Universal Profiling Schema for Content Negotiation", Opera Project, INRIA, January 2002. Content in PDF
3. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "An Application Example of Universal Profiling for Content Negotiation", Opera Project, INRIA, January 2002 (HTML) Content in PDF
2. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "NAC: A Basic Core for the Adaptation and Negotiation of Multimedia Services", Opera Project, INRIA, September 2001. Content in PDF
1. Tayeb Lemlouma, Nabil Layaïda, "A Framework for Media Resource Manipulation in an Adaptation and Negotiation Architecture", Opera Project, INRIA, August 2001. Content in PDF

8. Tayeb Lemlouma, Contribution to Context-Aware and Adaptive Approaches for Services in Smart Spaces, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche (HDR), 26 June 2018, Rennes, France.
Jury : Dr. Hassnaa Moustafa (Intel Corporation/USA), Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Thümmler (Edinburgh Napier Univ. & Helios Park-Klinikum, UK/Germany), Pr. Rémi Bastide (Toulouse Univ.), Pr. Olivier Barais (Rennes 1 Univ.), Pr. Nicolas Montavont (IMT Atlantique)
Content in
7. Future Internet and Streaming Management (Mécanismes de mise en relation et de gestion de flux de communication au sein du Future Internet). January 2010 - July 2013, my PhD student : Selim ELLOUZE.  
6. The Adaptation of Content Multicasted in a Context of Seamless Mobility. January 2009 - Septembre 2012, my PhD student : Joël PENHOAT  
5. Proposition and supervision of the project: Mesures sur réseau GSM et GPRS (The design and the implementation of an environment to analyse the network traffic for GPRS and UMTS mobiles phones), Frédéric Cespedes, Yoann Lefebvre, June 2006, Avignon, France. Content in PDF
4. Proposition and supervision of the project: Passerelle sans fil (The design and the implementation of wireless gateway), Julien LUCIANA, Bastien OZA, Leandro SIERRA, June 2006, Avignon, France. Content in PDF
3. Tayeb Lemlouma, Architecture de Négociation et d'Adaptation de Services Multimédia dans des Environnements Hétérogènes, PhD Thesis, 9 June 2004 INPG, Grenoble, France. Content in
2. Tayeb Lemlouma, "Routing in mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Master Degree Dissertation, Director: Nadjib Badache. University of "USTHB: Université des Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene", Algiers, Algeria. September 2000 (HTML) Content in PDF
1. Tayeb Lemlouma, Sami Rezgui, "Implementation of an atomic commitment protocol based on the consensus", Dissertation written to obtain the title of Computer Science Engineer. Director: Dr. Nadjib Badache. University of "USTHB: Université des Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene", Algiers, Algeria. June 1999.(HTML)  

 Industrial Research Reports
6. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "NAC: A Negotiation and Adaptation Core". Research report S41/S42 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, October 2002.
5. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "Dynamic Content Negotiation and Adaptation for Client Contexts Change". Research report R32 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Juin 2002.
4. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "Dynamic Adaptation and Negotiation Strategies". Research report R31 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Mars 2002.
3. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "An Advanced Architecture for Services Adaptation and Client Profiles Handling". Research report R22 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Janvier 2002.
2. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "Negotiation Architecture for Heterogeneous Multimedia Systems". Research report R21 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Septembre 2001.
1. T. Lemlouma, N. Layaïda. "The Design of Adaptation and Negotiation Architecture in Heterogeneous Multimedia Systems: Document Model and Profiling". Research report R11/R12 of the two-years industrial INRIA/Alcatel-Bell contract, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Juin 2001.

 Papers Reviewing and Program Committees
more I participate, as an organizer, chair (eHPWAS'13 & 14 & 15[IEEE WiMob'13, 14 & 15], IEEE ICC'13 [NGN-08 session], PSTT'09 [IEEE ICMUT]) and technical program committee member, in more than 30 international conferences and journals: see the almost complete list in section 1.8 of my CV
33. Member of the editorial board of MASAUM Journal of Computing (MJC) since 2009. Click here to submit your manuscript.
32. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the SIGMAP 2010 : International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Athens, Greece, 26-28 July 2010. CFP
31. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the Webist 2010 : 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Valencia - Spain, 7-10 April, 2010. CFP
30. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the SIGMAP 2009 : International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Milan, Italy, 7-10 July 2009. CFP
29. Program Chair of the PSTT 2009 : The International Workshop on Pervasive Services and Technologies for Telecommunications (IEEE Int Conf. on Ultra Modern Telecommunications - ICMUT), Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 12-14, 2009. CFP
28. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the WISe 2009 : The second IEEE International Workshop on Wireless & Internet Services (WISe 09), Zürich, Switzeland, October 20-23, 2009. CFP
27. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the Webist 2009 : 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Lisboa - Portugal, 23-26 Mars, 2009. CFP
26. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the EATIS 2009 : Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Prague, the Czech Republic, 3 -5 June, 2009. CFP
25. Reviewer for the Special Issue on Emerging Wireless Networks, Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2008.
24. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the EACP’08 Colloque international: “Environnements d’Apprentissage pour les Communautés de Pratique”, Palette European Project, Université Aboubekr Belkaid - Tlemcen - Algérie, 18-20 Novembre 2008.
23. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the ASBS’2008 : The First IEEE International Workshop on Autonomous and Autonomic Software-Based Systems, October 26-30, 2008,Cergy Pontoise, Paris, France.
22. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the Webist 2008 : 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 4-7 May, 2008. CFP
21. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the EATIS 2008 : Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Aracaju, Brazil, September 10-12 2007. CFP
20. Reviewer for PIMRC 07, 18th annual international symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 3-7 September 2007, Athens Hilton.
19. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the SIGMAP 2008 : International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, part of ICETE - The International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 July 2007. CFP
18. Coordination of a special number of the scientific and technical journal 'Document numérique', a number axed on the adaptation theme. July 2007. CFP (pdf, html)
17. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the SIGMAP 2007 : International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, part of ICETE - The International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 July 2007. CFP
16. Reviewer for IEEE Pervasive Computing journal, 2007
15. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the EATIS 2007 (Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems), Faro, Portugal, May 14-17th 2007.CFP
14. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the ACM SAC 2007: The 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Special Track on Handheld Computing (HHC). Seoul, Korea March 11 - 15, 2007. (Call for papers)
13. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the WEBIST 2007 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6 March, 2007.
12. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the WEBIST 2006 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Setúbal - Portugal, 11 - 13 April 2006.
11. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the ACM SAC 2006: The 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Special Track on Handheld Computing (HHC). Dijon, France, April 23 -27, 2006.
10. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the EATIS 2006 (Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems), Santa Marta, Colombia, Februrary 7-10, 2006.
9. Reviewer for IEEE Pervasive Computing Manuscript, 2005.
8. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the WEBIST 2005 international conference (Web Information Systems and Technologies), Deauville Beach Resort, Miami, USA, 26 - 28 May, 2005.
7. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the MCMP-05 (First International Workshop on Managing Context Information in Mobile and Pervasive Environments) In conjunction with MDM 2005 (6th International Conference on Mobile Data Management), MDM 2005, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, May 9-13, 2005.
6. Participation in the papers review for the Special Track on Handheld Computing (HHC) of The 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA March 13 - 17, 2005.
5. Participation in the papers review for the The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2004, July 18-21, 2004 - Orlando, Florida, USA
4. TPC member (member of the technical program committee) of the Handheld Computing Workshop, to be held as part of ISICT 2004: The 3rd International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, to be organized in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. June 16th-18th, 2004.
3. DocEng 2003: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Grenoble, France. November 20-22, 2003
2. Participation in the papers review (with Claude Castelluccia, INRIA Rhone-Alpes) for MobiSys 2003: The first International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services. San Francisco, CA, USA. May 5-8, 2003
1. ISPS 2001: Fifth International Symposium On Programming and Systems, Computer Science Department, Electric Engineering Faculty, USTHB University. 12-14 May 2001

 Presentations & Participations
  ** See the latest news for presentations and participation **
24. Analysis of the Implementation of Utility Functions to Define an Optimal Partition of a Multicast Group. ICN 2011, the Tenth International Conference on Networks, January 23-28, 2011 - St. Maarten, The Netherlands Antilles. Acceptance rate: 31% Content in PDF
23. An Easy Cellular Gateway for Providing Shared Services and Data. ICSNC 2010, the Fifth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, August 22-27, 2010 - Nice, France. Content in PDF
22. PCNM: A New Platform for Cellular Networks Measurements and Optimization, 21-23 September 2007, WiCOM 2007, the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Shanghai, China. Content in PDF
21. Content Interaction and Formatting for Mobile Devices, presented in the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, DocEng 2005, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2-4 November 2005. Content in PDF
20. Services d'adaptation et de négociation dans les environnements hétérogènes et mobiles, Séminaire du LIA, Avignon, France, 20 October 2005. Content in
19. Prospective : multimédia et nomadisme... Quelles évolutions pour le multimédia sur les terminaux mobiles, talk for IN'Tech 2005, May 12, 2005, INRIA Rhône Alpes, France. Content in PDF
18. Adaptation et négociation de contenus, talk for GT Documents Multimédia (GT 3.3) of GDR I3, December 10th 2004, Grenoble, France. Content in PDF
17. Multimedia Content Representation and adaptation for the mobile devices: a survey of SMIL/MMS/PSS technologies for 3GPP/3GPP2, as invited speaker, talk for MIPS 2004, November 2004, Grenoble, France. Content in PDF
16. Thesis defense, INRIA Rhône Alpes, 9 June 2004, Grenoble, France.  
15. Presentation for Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley, Mountain View, CA, USA, May 15 2004. Content in PDF
14. Participation in Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Week, Hotel Royal Casino / Cannes-Mandelieu FRANCE
1-5 March 2004.
13. Participation in the 5th Device Independence Working Group Face to Face Meeting, 16-18 September 2003 Guildford, UK  
12. Media Resources Adaptation for Limited Devices, presented in the ICCC/IFIP Seventh International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Guimaraes, Portugal, 25-28 June 2003 (ElPub 2003) Content in PDF
11. Participation in the W3C Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Event, Royal Sonesta Hotel, 3-7 March, 2003, Cambridge, MA USA.  
10. SMIL Content Adaptation for Embedded Devices, presented in the SMIL Europe 2003 Conference (SMIL Europe 2003), Paris, France Content in PDF
9. Adapted Content Delivery for Different Contexts, presented in the 2003 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (Saint 2003) , January 27-31, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA Content in PDF
8. NAC: A Negotiation and Adaptation Core. A meeting with Alcatel Bell in the context of the INRIA/Alcatel contract, October 2002, Antwerp, Belgium.  
7. Participation in the W3C Workshop on Device Independent Authoring Techniques, 25-26 September 2002, SAP University, St. Leon-Rot, Germany. (HTML)  
6. Protocole de négociation et gestion de profils, A presentation for the II Workshop: CEMT, 03 June 2002, INRIA Rhône Alpes, France.  
5. Towards an Adaptation and Negotiation Multimedia System. A meeting with Alcatel Bell in the context of the INRIA/Alcatel contract, February 2002, INRIA Rhône Alpes, France.  
4. Universal Profiling for Content Negotiation and Adaptation in Heterogeneous Environments, presented in the W3C Delivery Context Workshop, 4-5 March 2002, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France. (HTML) Content in PDF
3. The Negotiation of Multimedia Content Services in Heterogeneous Environments, presented in the MMM 2001, the 8th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam, 5-7 November 2001. (ZIP) Content in PDF
2. Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ("Le Routage dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad Hoc") Content in PDF
1. Distributed Artificial Intelligence L'intelligence Artificielle Distribuée et les Systèmes Multi-Agents" Content in PDF

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